The Threshold Crossing

There is a lightness, a sense of freedom and empowerment.

There is clarity, release and excitement.

And there is a new openness for what will next show-up.


The clarity and release are telling me I have crossed a new threshold.

I have stepped from the place where pain and loss have defined me.

I have stepped from the place where grieving has consumed me.


The lightness and openness are showing me I have crossed a new threshold.

I am stepping into a place where I feel excitement for what’s next.

I am stepping into a place where I know I can choose to engage with life in a new way.


I know that my grief will continue to present itself as I go forward.

I know I may be stopped in my tracks at times I get reminded of losing Kathy.

And I know the power from simply being present to those moments will enable my movement through them.


That sense of confidence and knowing bring the feeling of empowerment.

The feeling of freedom then comes from being able to truly be okay with not knowing what will happen next, yet being able to welcome it.

This is a different place…it is a new place…and I find myself here because of all my work, with all of the support that has happened over this last year.


I have crossed a new threshold.

I am in a new place.

It is an unknown place….and I am choosing to step in and be present and available for what wants to happen next.


My heart that has been broken open with pain and loss is now experiencing a wholehearted joy that is enabling a very sweet transformation.

4 thoughts on “The Threshold Crossing”

  1. John, your ability to put this miracle into words- words so soft and strong simultaneously, not only carry you, they carry a thousand souls. Maybe a million or a trillion. Thank you. And welcome across your threshold into the unknown newness. Love you, Linda


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